Mark Rutte was in 2019 co-chair bij de Sustainable Development Impact Summit van het World Economic Forum. Dit ging vooraf aan zijn bezoek aan de Climate Summit van de Verenigde Naties.
Mark Rutte
“Industry has been very helpful in creating,
helping to co-create, that climate agreement“
Onderstaande tekst is te beluisteren in bovenstaande video vanaf 28.07
Vragen aan Mark Rutte:
You are going to be at the UN and meet all the world leaders, (Climate Summit)
1. How did you manage to get the momentum in your country in the last couple of months to get the public opinion and the companies finally to do the necessary changes which are inconvenient?
2. When you meet all the world leaders: how can you convince them that it is really really urgent to take this measurement like taxes on carbon, and how can it be done with an incentive?
Antwoorden van Mark Rutte:
1. We were able to explain to the general public people felt that we could do this in a way that they didn’t have to change their lives all of a sudden, that we could take use of the logical decision moments like buying a new home, buying a new car, these are logical moments in the private lives of people to connect to what we want to achieve collectively.
2. On the other issue: I think it makes sense… all evidence is there. If you don’t believe in all the evidence, at least there is a reason for the business opportunity. Because countries on the forefront, like the Netherlands, or France, or Germany, I’m absolutely convinced, will also benefit economically from this because you will be the first with innovative technologies which will then be spread worldwide. So if you don’t believe in the issue of climate change, and there are not many peoply any longer there who don’t believe in it, but even then, do it because of the huge economic impact it can have.
Mark Rutte "If you don’t believe in all the evidence, at least there is a reason for the business opportunity" "So if you don’t believe in the issue of climate change, and there are not many peoply any longer there who don’t believe in it, but even then, do it because of the huge economic impact it can have."
Werd de Tweede Kamer op de hoogte gebracht van de rol van Mark Rutte bij deze summit? Waarom moesten er kamervragen worden gesteld om correspondentie tussen kabinetsleden en het WEF te kunnen inzien? zie de WEF-papers
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